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Catalyst Awardee

The Liver Protects Against Aging Related Dementia

Sui Seng Tee, PhD | University of Maryland School of Medicine
Competition Sponsor: US National Academy of Medicine
Awardee Year: 2023 Parkinson’s disease (PD) affects the elderly, with devastating symptoms affecting movement and mobility. This is due to the death of brain cells, resulting in PD traditionally being viewed as…

Catalyst Awardee

Development of next-generation antibiotic adjuvants to enhance antibiotic efficacy and improve infection outcomes

David A Kitzenberg, PhD | Primer Pharmaceuticals Corp
Competition Sponsor: US National Academy of Medicine
Awardee Year: 2023 Infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality in older populations. Human immunity senesces, causing increased susceptibility to a range of infections. Furthermore, increasing antibiotic resistance is alarming because when antibiotics…

Catalyst Awardee

Dawn-to-Dusk Dry Fasting for Rapid Reversal of Aging

Ayse Leyla Mindikoglu, M.D., M.P.H.; Weiwei Dang, PhD; Sung Yun Jung, PhD | Baylor College of Medicine; 
Competition Sponsor: US National Academy of Medicine
Awardee Year: 2023   DNA double-strand breaks and DNA methylation pattern changes (epigenetic change) are strongly associated with aging. Our previous studies showed that fasting from…

Catalyst Awardee

Reducing “Inflammaging” for Healthy Aging

Prashant Nagpal, co-Founder, COO; Anushree Chatterjee, Ph.D. co-Founder, CEO | Sachi Bio
Competition Sponsor: US National Academy of Medicine
Awardee Year: 2023   Older age is the leading risk factor for AD, cognitive decline, and a range of cardiometabolic diseases. While different mechanisms can drive these aging-related diseases, a key…

Catalyst Awardee

Dawn-to-Dusk Dry Fasting for Rapid Reversal of Aging

Ayse Leyla Mindikoglu, M.D., M.P.H.; Weiwei Dang, PhD; Sung Yun Jung, PhD |  Baylor College of Medicine
Competition Sponsor: US National Academy of Medicine
Awardee Year: 2023   DNA double-strand breaks and DNA methylation pattern changes (epigenetic change) are strongly associated with aging. Previous studies showed that fasting from dawn…

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