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Catalyst Awardee

Smart insole for 3 D force measurement

  Chao-Ching Ho, PhD | National Taipei University of Technology; Jung-Tang Huang, PhD; Chuan-Yu Lo, MS; Che-Yu Chang; Yi-Ming Li; Wei-Ting Zheng
Competition Sponsor: Academia Sinica
Awardee Year: 2022 In this project, a magnetic sensing IC array will be integrated into a flexible circuit board to develop a smart insole…

Catalyst Awardee

Novel top-to-toe screening system for early detecting sarcopenia

Jin-Chern Chiou; Liang-Kung Chen, MD, PhD; Tzai-Wen Chiu, PhD Competition Sponsor: Academia Sinica Sarcopenia has identified as a skeletal muscle disease in the international classification diseases (ICD-10). But its etiology and underlying mechanisms and effective treatment remain unavailable. The Dual-Energy X-Ray Absorptiometry (DXA), currently used for diagnosis, can’t apply for…

Catalyst Awardee

Connected speech analysis in elderly population

Yi-Chien Liu, MD, PhD; Chia-Ying Lee, PhD; Chi-Ting Chang, PhD; Chia-Ju Chou, PhD Competition Sponsor: Academia Sinica One of the most effective strategy in preventing pathological aging is very early diagnosis. In this project, we are more interested in differences related to “speech production”. Speech samples of both “pathological aging”…

Catalyst Awardee

Dementia-MDIC Patch for Healthy People

Chen-Hsun Weng, Ph.D. | National Cheng Kung University, Medical Device Innovation Center (MDIC), Tainan, Taiwan; Yu-Sheng Lin, Ph.D. | Department of Mechanical Engineering, Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology; and Sing Yung Bu, MS (MDIC), Jamie Liao, BS (MDIC), and Hans Chiang, MS (MDIC)
Competition Sponsor: Academia…

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