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Catalyst Awardee

Improving Quality of Life for Older Autistic People

Marion Hersh, PhD, Michael Dawson, and Panda Mery, MSc Competition Sponsor: UK Research and Innovation The Problem: Exclusion and isolation of autistic people; Lack of knowledge and understanding of the needs of older autistics; Barriers to contributing to society (right not privilege), though (older) autistics have a lot to offer;…

Catalyst Awardee

The gut-sleep-brain axis: Targeting the gut microbiota and sleep quality by individualized non-pharmaceutical approaches to promote healthy ageing

  Alpar Lazar, PhD, and D Vauzour, PhD Competition Sponsor: UK Research and Innovation We live in an ageing society struck by cognitive decline and high prevalence of dementia. With the numbers continuously increasing, it is estimated that dementia will triple by 2035. Besides its detrimental impact on healthy longevity…

Catalyst Awardee

It Takes a Community to Prevent a Fall

Susan Dewhurst, PhD Competition Sponsor: UK Research and Innovation Aim: To develop a community based, easily accessible self- referral tool to identify individuals in the community who are at risk of a fall and/or a fracture.
Vision: For each community to host self-service screening kiosks located with GP surgeries, pharmacies,…

Catalyst Awardee

The Oxford CLEAR Pathway

Sheera Sutherland, PhD, Andy Meaney, PhD, Patrick Doherty, PhD, and Helen Dawes, PhD Competition Sponsor: UK Research and Innovation For older adults, exercise improves fitness and health, maximises participation, increases functional independence and enhances quality of life. Higher fitness-levels are linked to lower levels of emotional distress and depression, improved…

Catalyst Awardee

Making Reading Real

Aida Suarez Gonzalez, PhD Competition Sponsor: UK Research and Innovation What is the problem I am solving?
How would you feel if, while reading this text, letters and words started merging or disappearing, making your reading impossible, and you knew there was nothing you could do to recover your reading…

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