View the Agenda
Day 1
9:00 am ET | Welcome Remarks
- Victor Dzau, National Academy of Medicine
- William Hait, Johnson & Johnson External Innovation (Summit Sponsor)
- Terry Fulmer, The John A. Hartford Foundation (Summit Sponsor)
9:20 am ET | Healthy Longevity Global Competition: Vision and Opportunities
- Part I: Vision of the Healthy Longevity Global Competition and opportunities for Catalyst Awardees
- Part II: Conversation with principals from sponsors of international Catalyst Award competitions
10:40 am ET | Visionary Keynote
To inspire awardees, Dr. Langer to discuss background and experience as a scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur, including having founded various biotechnology companies.
- Robert Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
11:25 am ET | Explore the Poster Hall
The Poster Hall will include a poster from each Catalyst Award-winning team from 2020.
12:00 pm ET | Day 1 Wrap Up
Day 2
8:00 am ET | Visionary Keynote
To inspire awardees, Dr. Verdin to discuss the future of healthy longevity, opportunities for innovation and groundbreaking work, and emerging scientific advances.
- Eric Verdin, The Buck Institute
8:25 am ET | Spotlight and Discussion with Select International Catalyst Award Winners
A panel of eight 2020 Catalyst Awardees to present an overview of their idea/project and progress.
- Moderated discussion
9:45 am ET | Breakout Session 1: By Topic Area
Simultaneous breakout sessions led by expert discussants, who present on their work and background, followed by Q&A and open discussion.
- Basic & Biomedical Science, Clinical Medicine
- Social Science, Public Health, Policy
- Data & Computer Science, Healthy Technology, Engineering
10:30 am ET | Breakout Session 2: By Topic Area
Simultaneous breakout sessions led by expert discussants, who present on their work and background, followed by Q&A and open discussion.
- Basic & Biomedical Science, Clinical Medicine
- Social Science, Public Health, Policy
- Data & Computer Science, Healthy Technology, Engineering
11:15 am ET | Longevity Accelerator Awards
- Overview of Accelerator Phase of the Healthy Longevity Global Competition
- Announcement of JNJ’s 2021 NAM Healthy Longevity QuickFire Challenge Winners; QFC awardee pitches and panel
- Q&A with Accelerator Sponsors (JNJ, kENUP Foundation/European Investment Bank)
12:00 pm ET | Day 2 Wrap Up
Day 3
8:00 am ET | Visionary Keynote
To inspire awardees, Dr. Khan to speak from the perspective as a role model who has worked across industry/corporate, start-up, and philanthropic settings.
- Mehmood Khan, Hevolution Foundation
8:25 am ET | Breakout Session 3: By Topic Area
Simultaneous breakout sessions led by expert discussants, who present on their work and background, followed by Q&A and open discussion.
- Basic & Biomedical Science, Clinical Medicine
- Social Science, Public Health, Policy
- Data & Computer Science, Healthy Technology, Engineering
9:15 am ET | Breakout Session 4: Role Model Discussants
Simultaneous breakout sessions by role models from academia, industry, venture capital, government, etc, who present their background and experience, followed by Q&A and open discussion.
- Basic & Biomedical Science, Clinical Medicine
- Social Science, Public Health, Policy
- Data & Computer Science, Healthy Technology, Engineering
10:05 am ET | Explore the Poster Hall
The Poster Hall will include a poster from each Catalyst Award-winning team from 2020.
10:45 am ET | Announcement of 2021 Catalyst Award Winners & Summit Wrap Up
NAM and sponsors to announce 2021 international Catalyst Award winners.