Catalyst Awardee

Project Description

Anti-Aging Properties of a New Form of Non-Thermal Plasma

Benjamin Scherlag, Ph.D. | University of Oklahoma Health Science Center
Competition Sponsor: National Academy of Medicine
Awardee Year: 2020

Our recent experiments discovered that free water molecules1 (size, 2.75Å) passed through glass pores (8 -12 Å). When confined, the inherent kinetic energy of free water molecules reacted to produce plasma. Experiments with this plasma demonstrated anti-aging effects on produce, live plants and living organisms. Two 500ml storage jars were filled with distilled water and stacked on top of each other in a four-liter sealed acrylic cylinder outfitted with hygrometers. Free water molecules filtered through the glass pores of the jars by osmosis and diffusion until concentration gradient in the cylinder reached 99% on the hygrometer. Experiments exposed living things to plasma. Mobile unicellular organisms exhibited a hibernating state, when removed from the plasma normal function returned. Tomatoes exhibited a fresh, unblemished appearance after 30 days in plasma, non-plasma tomatoes were severely wrinkled. Mung bean plants placed in plasma, without water for 7 days, showed under- developed leaves, compared to non-plasma plants. Normal growth resumed when plants were returned to the hydroponic condition. Plants placed in a waterless, non-plasma environment wilted in 24 hours. Lowering metabolic rate can result in reduced obesity and increased vitality as people age. As average life expectancy increases, more focus is placed on the economics of healthcare, diet and exercise are effective but difficult, plasma can be a supplement to daily a regimen. 1Penkov NV et al. Calculation of the portion of free water molecules in water solutions by means of spectral analysis, Bf 2013;58: 942-6.

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View this project poster, first displayed at the 2021 Global Innovator Summit.

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