Shizue Masuki, Ph.D. | Shinshu University; Hiroshi Nose, Ph.D., M.D. | Shinshu University
Competition Sponsor: Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development
Awardee Year: 2020
The goal of this project is to develop a device for estimating cognitive function (CF) from the heart rate (HR) response before everyday voluntary movements. Previously, we developed a remotely supervised exercise training system based on peak aerobic capacity (VO2peak), comprising interval walking training (IWT) and an IoT system, and we reported that IWT increased VO2peak and improved lifestyle-related diseases, cognitive function, and healthcare costs for 8,700 middle-aged and older people. We recently upgraded the system to a smartphone application to increase versatility. Separately, we found that HR response before starting voluntary movement increased as individual VO2peak increased. Thus, we hypothesize that CF can be monitored via HR response before everyday voluntary movements. Accordingly, by adding a HR measurement function to our application, we seek to develop a self-management system to improve CF by increasing VO2peak, using the plan-do-check-action (PDCA) cycle. This system will promote independence and enhance the quality of life in older people.
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