Catalyst Awardee

Project Description

Rapid diagnostic tests for precision respiratory medicine

Roberto de la Rica, PhD | Nanodecal; Antonio Clemente, PhD; Steven Russell, BA
Competition Sponsor: 
EIT Health of the European Union

Awardee Year:

Nanodecal is developing a rapid diagnostic test for preventing incurable lung infections. The test detects the superbugs responsible for the infection in less than 10 minutes by the bedside. This will help clinicians prescribe the right antibiotic for killing the superbug before the infection becomes permanent. Our unique patented technology allows us to rapidly detect pathogens and biomarkers in respiratory samples obtained with non-invasive methods, thus overcoming the current bottlenecks in respiratory disease diagnostics. They combine the excellent sensitivity and specificity of PCR with the rapid, decentralized, and inexpensive analysis afforded by antigen tests. Our market includes over 300 million people suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), who are at risk of suffering an incurable infection. Moreover, our platform technology can be easily adapted to diagnose other respiratory conditions that currently lack rapid diagnostic options, such as asthma, pneumonia, and lung cancer. These cohorts would also benefit from personalized therapies according to biomarkers measured with a rapid test, which Nanodecal can provide. This feature, along with the excellent diagnostic precision of our tests, will make Nanodecal the new global standard for precision respiratory medicine.

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