Catalyst Awardee

Project Description

Softer Meals that Impact the Life of the Elderly (SMILE)

Verena Tan, Ph.D. | Singapore Institute of Technology; Gary Chiah Tung Lin, ADS, SIT ;Mah Wai Yee, ADS;  Lim Peng Peng, MBBS; Kenny Tan,  MBBS; Karryn KamSt. Luke’s Eldercare Ltd
Competition Sponsor: Ministry of Health and National Research Foundation of Singapore
Awardee year: 2024

Age-related changes such as taste alterations, xerostomia, reduced mastication, poor dentition, and swallowing difficulties (dysphagia) negatively impact food consumption among the elderly. Dysphagia, affecting 30-40% of those over 65, is linked to impaired nutritional intake. Textured modified diets (TMDs) are recommended to maintain oral nutrition and prevent aspiration, but they often have lower energy and protein content, are sensory unappealing and have altered taste.
This study aims to: 1) Understand food preferences and evaluate food intake among elderly individuals with chewing and swallowing difficulties on TMDs, 2) Develop visually appealing, tasty and nutritious TMD soft meals using a novel enzymatic method, and 3) Assess the food intake and acceptability of these meals.
This project will be conducted in 3 phases. Phase 1 is the profiling of elderly individuals on TMDs to understand their food choices, taste preferences and food intake. Phase 2 involves developing TMD soft meals based on elderly profiling, using an innovative enzymatic modification method. Phase 3 involves conducting a food intake study to evaluate the intake and acceptability of the developed TMD meals in phase 2.
Collaborating with St. Luke’s Eldercare (SLEC), this study will recruit elderly participants for all phases. The multidisciplinary approach, involving dietitians, speech therapists, geriatricians and kitchen chefs, aims to create TMD soft meals that are well-accepted, visually appealing, nutritious and safe for swallowing. The developed know-how can be adopted across various healthcare sectors.

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